Sunday, May 18, 2008

2008 May 18

When I started this blog, I had expected to post to it daily. Now a whole week has gone by and I haven't posted. That is probably because nothing much outstanding happened this week. I taught school every day and things went well. I had one ballistic mother come in and complain because I took away her daughter's cell phone in the middle of class when I caught her texting, and the office will not give it back except to her sponsor who is at sea. And Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday I went swimming for half an hour the first two times and for 40 minutes on Saturday and then walked for about 20 minutes on Saturday in addition. The rest of the time I had been reading the Bruce Trilogy which is a novel about Robert the Bruce, the King of Scotland during the early 1300s.

Much of the time I would have put into my posts on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, I instead put into caring for one of the sisters in our ward who had some needs that Grandma and I could help with, and helping a new family in our branch get settled into Japan. Maybe I will do better this coming week. I hope to start up kendo again but slowly tomorrow evening. I'll try to make the time to comment on how it went.

I don't know if I mentioned it yet but I've done rather well on the challenge that Grandma gave me to lose about 20 pounds and get back in shape so I can go to the Pennsic War the first week in August. She is correct that it would not be worth the money for the airplane ticket to go to the biggest Society for Creative Anachronism event in the year unless I'm in shape at least to be an archer on the battlefield. I've lost that easy first 5 pounds this week. I have actually done rather well at not eating in between meals and all the other bad habits I've developed that help me keep heavier than I ought to be. Swimming has helped burn away some of the fat and firm up what's left so I'm kind of excited. Now all I have to do is repair my armor, build some more arrows, and practice, while I am enduring to the end of the summer.

I just got an e-mail from my daughter Cait indicating that her sons and and husband would like to do a Boy Scout style primitive camp out in the mountains with me this summer. I'm hoping David's and Steven's sons will want to go along. We shall see.

That's all for now I'm going to go on with some reading.


Parker Hyde said...

sounds like you have been having a good time down there in japan. i cant wait till the scouting thingy!

Keri Kemp said...

the scouting thing sounds sooo cool! i wsh i was a boy for a day.....

Ben Hyde said...

HA I'm glad I am not the only one who started a blog and forgot about it ;).

Ben Hyde said...

Thanks for the 40th B-day card. It was well received ;)

How about some more blogging?